28 April 2011

30 Day Horse Challenge

Day One-A Picture of You & Your Horse

I can't pick just one. The first picture I look hideous in but I love the photo.

This picture was taken at approximately 5:30 AM at state, five minutes after I rolled out of bed. This was Cruizer's "good morning" greeting to me everyday there.

August 2010. Waiting to start our (winning) showmanship pattern. You can tell it was only about 7:30 AM by the sleepy look in his eyes.

This was at the same show as the above picture, in August 2010. This is after the serious part was done, and the fun classes began! I had never shown a horse I could trust enough to safely carry me through these classes, and although Cruizer was only five and had barely ten shows under his belt, I had a good feeling that he would be a saint. He was. We didn't place in the egg & spoon..Cruizer gave me some very animated extended trot through some deep sand on one end and I laughed at how much air he was giving me. Whoops, there goes the egg. It was funny.

August 2010, hunt seat day, taken the day after the western pictures above. Cruizer and I sharing a quiet (and sleepy!) moment before going in for showmanship. We won our class, and were Reserve Champions overall.

And last but not least:
Cruizer fresh off the trailer, the day he arrived home with me!


  1. Those are all fantastic pictures! You both look great and so happy. :) Where do I go to get the info to do the 30 Day Horse Challenge? Is it on Facebook?

  2. It is on Facebook, but I've been using it from http://onthebit.wordpress.com/

    her days are a little different
